Josephine Peak, Mount Wilson, and Occidental Peak
April 16, 2005

Southern California Peakbagging and Hiking with the Hundred Peaks Section of the Sierra Club

Scheduled hike led by Pamela Rowe and David Goldstein

Description Original

The gang atop Josephine. Original

The gang atop Josephine. Original

The gang atop Josephine. Original

The gang atop Josephine. Original

The gang atop Josephine. Original

Don Tidwell and Pamela Rowe after the challenging ascent of Wilson. And where are their 10 essentials? Original

Center photo, the massive landslide that closed Highway 2 near Barley Flats. Original

Pamela Rowe and Don Tidwell bag Occidental. Wolf has recovered from his panic attack, worrying about whether he'll get enough sleep to survive Ana Cadez' provisional tomorrow ... Original

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