The Three Ts -- Greg de Hoogh's Birthday Hike
June 12, 2004

Southern California Peakbagging and Hiking with the Hundred Peaks Section of the Sierra Club

Private hike led by Greg de Hoogh.

Description Original

Karen, Greg, Nancy, Keith, and Sandy on Thunder Original

Laura on Thunder Original

They Came From Down There Original

Baldy, Harwood, and Dawson seen from Thunder Original

One end of Telegraph's summit plateau Original

Sandy, Karen, Greg, Nancy, Laura, and Keith atop Telegraph Original

Looking back down on Thunder from Telegraph -- Baldy, Harwood, and Dawson back behind Original

Timber and Bighorn in the foreground, Etiwanda and Cucamonga back behind Original

Looking down into the Lytle Creek drainage from Telegraph Original

Nancy, Sandy, Greg's better side, and Karen on Timber Original

Laura, Nancy, Keith, Karen, Greg, and Sandy on Timber Original

Laura, Nancy, Keith, Karen, Sandy, and Greg on Timber Original

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