01 July 2001 -- Cannel Pt (8314') & Sirretta Pk (9977')

Led by Byron Prinzmetal & Mars Bonfire.
Moderately paced, moderately strenuous hike over steep, slippery, xc terrain.
10 mi rt, 3200' gain.

Description Original

(110 KB)
Karen, Dorothy and Byron on Cannel (319 KB)

(101 KB)
Group Atop Cannel (301 KB)

(104 KB)
Ditto (300 KB)

(106 KB)
View from Cannel (329 KB)

(133 KB)
Sirretta (380 KB)

(82 KB)
Mars, Paul and Edith on Sirretta (261 KB)

(107 KB)
Group Atop Sirretta (348 KB)

(103 KB)
Ditto (296 KB)

(108 KB)
View from Sirretta (334 KB)

(79 KB)
Ditto (259 KB)

(122 KB)
Edith, Paul and Kent (337 KB)

(105 KB)
Joanne, Edith and Paul (322 KB)

More (and better!) photos by Kent Schwitkis are viewable here.